Network of Islamic World Scientists

The Network of the Islamic World Scientists with the aim of making connection and enhancing cooperation between Muslim scholars (Iranian and non-Iranian) has been established at the University of Tehran. This network intends to promote science and technology both in Iran and other Islamic countries. The Secretariat for the Advancement of Science and Technology is in charge of the network.
- Providing appropriate environment for Muslim scientists and scholars to carry out basic, applied, and interdisciplinary research.
- Promoting active communication between the faculties and research centers of the University of Tehran, policymakers as well as administrators to cooperate in the production of science and development of technology and innovation in the country.
- Promoting University of Tehran's academic position in the national and international arenas.
To use the ability as well as potential and actual capacities of the scholars and scientists of the Islamic world (Iranian and non-Iranian) to advance the production of science and innovation as emphasized in the comprehensive scientific map of the country. Our aim is to achieve the first place in the production of science and technology in the region in accordance with Iran's plan for 2025.
- Development of appropriate infrastructure for research and technology in the country.
- Promoting the quantity and quality of the University of Tehran's international research projects.
- Increasing the number of adjunct professors at the University of Tehran in order to promote the international ranking of the university.
- Establishing scientific communication among Islamic countries and strengthening science diplomacy.
- Establishing regional knowledge-based firms with the help and experience of Muslim scientists.
Educational Cooperation
- Inviting prominent Muslim scholars to teach and deliver lectures at the faculties and research centers of the University of Tehran.
- Establishing interdisciplinarysubgroups with the help of prominent Muslim scientists.
- Holding interdisciplinary workshops and conferences on advanced sciences and technology which are emphasized in the comprehensive scientific map of the country.
Research Collaboration
- Conducting joint research projects with the cooperation of visiting professors and Iranian professors and publishing the joint scientific productions in international journals.
- Providing research service to organizations and industrial centers of the country via the conduct of joint research projects between university and industry in order to develop innovation and commercialize research products.
- Cooperation with research parks in order to make the results of research applicable, define the needed projects, and pursue the commercialization of the projects.
- Collaboration in establishing regional knowledge-based firms with the help and experiences of Muslim scientists.
Co-Publication of International Citation Journals
- Establishing internationally cited journals with the cooperation of the scientists of the Islamic world in order to attract distinguished articles in the world and indexing journals in internationally renowned databases. Our goal is to strengthen effective measures to enhance the ranking of the University of Tehran as well as the country.
Co-Publication of Books
- Scientific cooperation for the compilation of the past achievements of Muslim scholars and for writing books both in Persian and other international languages.
Establishing the Electronic Network of the Islamic World Scientists
- Cooperation with distinguished scholars of the Muslim world.
- Establishing an online system for communicating with Muslim scientists.